Captain is the upcoming Tamil language Action Thriller Movie Featuring stars Arya, Aishwarya Lekshmi is the lead roles. The Movie is Written, Directed by Shakti S. Rajan, Produced by The Show People,Think Studios Under the banner of The Show People,Think Studios.
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Captain Movie Stars Simran Bagga, Harish Uthaman, Gokul Nath among others. Captain Cinematography is handled by Yuva, Music is composed by Imman and Editing is done by S S Murthy.
Captain Movie Cast
- Arya
- Aishwarya Lekshmi
- Kavya Shetty
- Harish Uthaman
- Bharath Raj
- Simran Bagga
- Gokulnath
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Captain Tamil Movie (2022) | Crew | Release Date
Director | Shakti S. Rajan |
Producer | The Show People,Think Studios |
Banner | The Show People,Think Studios |
Music | Imman |
Screenplay | Shakti S. Rajan |
Genre | Action Movie |
Story | Shakti S. Rajan |
Cinematography | Yuva |
Editor | S S Murthy |
Starring | Arya, Aishwarya Lekshmi |
Release Date | 8th September, 2022 |
Language | Tamil, Telugu |
OTT Rights | Zee5(Not Confirmed) |
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Captain Movie Teaser
- Yet to Release
Captain Movie Trailer
Captain Movie OTT Rights
- Zee5 (Not Yet Confirmed)
Captain Movie Songs
Captain Movie Release date
- 8th September, 2022