Dejavu is the upcoming Action Thriller Movie Featuring Arulnithi Tamilarasu, Smruthi Venkat in the lead roles. The Movie is directed by Arvindh Srinivasan, Produced by K Vijay Pandi and PG Muthiah under the banner White Carpet Films and PG Muthiah.
Dejavu also stars Madhoo, Achyuth Kumar, Mime Gopi, Chetan, and Kali Venkat among others. Cinematography is handled by PG Muthiah, Music is composed by Ghibran and Editing is done by Arul E Siddharth.
Dejavu Tamil Movie Cast
- Arulnithi Tamilarasu
- Smruthi Venkat
- Madhoo
- Achyuth Kumar
- Mime Gopi
- Chetan
- Kali Venkat
Dejavu Tamil Movie (2022) | Crew | Release Date
Director | Arvindh Srinivasan |
Producer | K Vijay Pandi and PG Muthiah |
Banner | White Carpet Films and PG Muthiah |
Music | Ghibran |
Screenplay | Arvindh Srinivasan |
Genre | Action Thriller Movie |
Story | Arvindh Srinivasan |
Cinematography | PG Muthiah |
Editor | Arul E Siddharth |
Starring | Arulnithi Tamilarasu, Smruthi Venkat |
Release Date | 22 July 2022 |
Language | Tamil |
OTT Rights | – |
Dejavu Tamil Movie Teaser
Dejavu Tamil Movie OTT Rights
- Yet to Confirm
Dejavu Tamil Movie Trailer
- Yet to Release
Dejavu Tamil Movie Songs
- Yet to Release
Dejavu Tamil Movie Release date
- 22 July 2022