Prince is the upcoming Tamil language Comedy Movie Featuring Sivakarthikeyan, Maria Ryaboshapka in the lead roles. The Movie is Written & Directed by Anudeep KV, Produced Suniel Narang, Suresh Babu D, Pushkar Ram Mohan Rao under the banner Shree Venkateshwara Cinemas LLP, Suresh Productions Pvt Ltd.
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Prince Movie stars Sathyaraj, Premji among others. Prince Cinematography is handled by Manoj Pramahamsa, Music is composed by S Thaman, Editing is done by Praveen KL.
Prince Movie Cast
- Sivakarthikeyan
- Maria Ryaboshapka
- Sathyaraj
- Premji
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Prince Tamil Movie (2022) | Crew | Release Date
Director | Anudeep KV |
Producer | Suniel Narang, Suresh Babu D, Pushkar Ram Mohan Rao |
Banner | Shree Venkateshwara Cinemas LLP, Suresh Productions Pvt Ltd |
Music | S Thaman |
Screenplay | Anudeep KV |
Genre | Comedy Movie |
Story | Anudeep KV |
Cinematography | Manoj Pramahamsa |
Editor | Praveen KL |
Starring | Sivakarthikeyan, Maria Ryaboshapka |
Release Date | 21 October 2022 |
Language | Tamil, Telugu |
OTT Rights | Aha (Not Yet Confirmed) |
Prince Movie Teaser
- Yet to Release
Prince Movie Trailer
Prince Movie OTT Rights
- Aha (Not Yet Confirmed)
Prince Movie Songs
Prince Movie Release date
- 21 October 2022