Striker is the upcoming Tamil Action Thriller Movie Featuring Justin, Vidya Pradeep, Kasthuri Shankar in the lead roles. The Movie is Directed by SA Prabhu, Produced by Henry David IR under the banner ASW Creations, JSJ Cinemas.
Striker Cinematography is handled by Manish Murthy, Music is composed by Vijay Siddharth and Editing is done by Nagooram.
Striker Movie Cast
- Justin
- Vidya Pradeep
- Kasthuri Shankar
Striker Tamil Movie (2022) | Crew | Release Date
Director | SA Prabhu |
Producer | Henry David IR |
Banner | ASW Creations, JSJ Cinemas |
Music | Vijay Siddharth |
Screenplay | Yet to Update |
Genre | Action Thriller Movie |
Story | Yet to Update |
Cinematography | Manish Murthy |
Editor | Nagooram |
Starring | Justin, Vidya Pradeep, Kasthuri Shankar |
Release Date | – |
Language | Tamil |
OTT Rights | – |
Striker Movie Teaser
Striker Movie Trailer
- Yet to Release
Striker Movie OTT Rights
- Yet to Comfirm
Striker Movie Songs
- Yet to Release
Striker Movie Release date
- Yet to Release