Amigos is the Telugu language Action Thriller Movie featuring Nandamuri Kalyanram, Ashika Ranganath in the lead roles. Movie is Directed by Rajendra Reddy. Produced by Naveen Yerneni and Y Ravi Shankar under the banner Mythri Movie Makers.

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Amigos Movie Cinematography is handled by Soundar Rajan S, Editing is done by Tammiraju, Music is composed by Ghibran.

Amigos Telugu Movie

Amigos Movie Cast

  • Nandamuri Kalyanram
  • Ashika Ranganath

Amigos Telugu Movie (2023) | Crew | Release Date

DirectorRajendra Reddy
ProducerNaveen Yerneni and Y Ravi Shankar
BannerMythri Movie Makers
ScreenplayRajendra Reddy
Genre Action Thriller Movie
StoryRajendra Reddy
CinematographySoundar Rajan S
StarringNandamuri Kalyanram, Ashika Ranganath
Release DateFebruary 10, 2023
OTT RightsAha (Not Yet Confirmed)

Amigos Movie OTT Rights

OTT PlatformAha (Not Yet Confirmed)
SubtitlesEnglish Subtitles
OTT Release DateMarch 2023
ResolutionsSD (480p), HD (720p), Full HD (1080p)

Amigos Movie Teaser

Amigos Movie Trailer

Amigos Movie Songs

Amigos Movie Release date

  • February 10, 2023

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