Irudhi Pakkam is the Tamil suspense thriller Movie Featuring Amrutha Srinivasan, Vignesh Shanmugam and Rajesh Balachandiran in the lead roles. Movie is Directed by Mano Ve Kannathasan, Produced by Silambarasan under the banner Dream Creation.
Irudhi Pakkam movie also stars Shree Raj, Girija Hari, Pasupathi Raj and Kishore Rajkumar among others. Music for film is done by MS Jones Rupert.
Movie Cinematography is handled by Praveen Balu, Editing done by Ram Pandian.
Irudhi Pakkam Movie Cast
- Amrutha Srinivasan
- Rajesh Balachandran
- Vignesh Shanmugam
- Shree Raj
- Girija Hari
- Pasupathi Raj
- Kishore Rajkumar
Irudhi Pakkam Movie Cast Movie (2021) | Crew | Release Date
Director | Mano Ve Kannathasan |
Producer | Silambarasan |
Banner | Dream Creation |
Music | MS Jones Rupert |
Screenplay | Mano Ve Kannathasan |
Genre | suspense thriller Movie |
Cinematography | Praveen Balu |
Editor | Ram Pandian |
Starring | Amrutha Srinivasan, Rajesh Balachandran, Vignesh Shanmugam |
Release Date | 17 December 2021 |
Language | Tamil |
OTT Rights | – |
Irudhi Pakkam Movie OTT Rights
- Yet to Confirm
Irudhi Pakkam Movie Trailer
Irudhi Pakkam Movie Songs
Irudhi Pakkam Movie Release date
- 17 December 2021